Assistance with WMO application for a balance wheelchair

Curious if you qualify for a WMO, PGB, or UWV reimbursement for a balance wheelchair?

Good news: it’s definitely possible! A large portion of our clients receive support through subsidies from their municipality (WMO/PGB) or from the UWV (for work-related situations).
At 2KERR, we guide you step by step through the application process. Our expert Koen, a person with firsthand experience and advisor, will personally assist you and ensure that your application is well-supported.

* The WMO, PGB and UWV funding is only available to residents of the Netherlands.

Step-by-step plan for a WMO application

Curious about how to apply for a balance wheelchair through WMO? We guide you through the process step by step! At 2KERR, we offer personal support to ensure your application is strong and complete. In this video, our expert Koen explains the process, from the first step to final approval.

Subsidy options for a balance wheelchair:

Looking to finance a balance wheelchair? This can be done through various subsidies, such as WMO, PGB, or UWV. In this video, our expert Koen explains the available options and how you can take advantage of them. At 2KERR, we make sure your application is well-prepared so you can get the support you need quickly.

Help with your WMO Application for a balance wheelchair

A balance wheelchair can greatly increase your freedom and mobility. But how do you finance such an aid through the WMO, PGB or UWV? In this video we explain how we can help you submit a successful application.

Why choose assistance with your WMO application?

Applying for a WMO reimbursement can be complex. Many people face obstacles, such as unfamiliarity with our balance wheelchairs or the absence of these devices in the standard offerings of suppliers. Fortunately, we have extensive experience in successfully guiding WMO applications.

With a well-founded step-by-step plan, there is often more possible than you might think. About 70% of our balance wheelchairs are partially or fully reimbursed through WMO, PGB, or UWV. Our experience shows that municipalities are increasingly recognizing the unique benefits of 2KERR products and are providing reimbursements.

Want to discover how we can help? Contact us and let’s explore the possibilities together.

How does a WMO application work through the municipality?

Every municipality in the Netherlands is responsible for implementing the Social Support Act (WMO). A specific budget is available to support residents with disabilities.

Since 2KERR balance wheelchairs are not part of the standard core range of assistive devices, the application requires a customized solution. This may be the case if:

• The standard assistive devices do not meet your specific needs.

• Alternative solutions are more expensive than a balance wheelchair.

A customized WMO application begins with a carefully prepared file that clearly supports your situation and needs. We assist you in gathering the right documents and arguments.

Support from the UWV

The UWV plays an important role in supporting employees with disabilities. This includes financing the assistive devices you need to work or even to get to work.

2KERR balance wheelchairs are increasingly recognized as a valuable solution. We have successfully helped several clients with UWV applications and are happy to share our knowledge to help you.

Want to discover how we can assist you? Contact us and let’s explore the possibilities together.

Why choose 2KERR?

Extensive experience: Since 2017, we have successfully guided numerous clients through WMO and UWV applications.
Personalized advice: Koen, our expert with firsthand experience, will assist you every step of the way.
High success rate: 70% of our clients receive partial or full reimbursement for their balance wheelchair.

Fill out the contact form or call us directly to discuss your questions. Together, we’ll make your application a success.

Call +31 88 045 0700 Contact Form