"I can just be an independent mother and that gives a great feeling!"

The Freee lives up to its name, according to proud owner Claudia Bosch-Commijs. “I have had a Freee since January this year. I cannot describe how much freedom the Seated Segway has given me. Especially in raising my son Niek. He is three and a half years old and, like most toddlers, runs in all directions. Giving him a hand outside is a must. In my manual ADL wheelchair I need my hands to move myself around.
With the Freee, I can just hold Niek’s hand. I can easily play outside with him anywhere and enjoy him and the surroundings. The Freee rides effortlessly over the beach, through the woods and over other uneven surfaces. For example, on Queen’s Day there was a fun band playing. There were bouncy castles everywhere, where Niek could enjoy himself. All this on a lawn full of obstacles and people. No problem for the maneuverable Freee, which easily turns on its axis. You also sit a bit higher, so you have a better view and people can see me better too. And the Freee looks beautiful!
I’m lucky that the chair is reimbursed by the Wmo, but that is so far more exception than rule.
At 2KERR in Oss you can compare them all. The Freee turned out to be the best option for me with my disability, a spinal cord injury. There’s a security in it, so you can’t really fall backwards. Also, this beautiful German piece of technology responds very subtly to your weight. For example, I tried another product, but due to insufficient mass, weight, in my upper body I did not progress well. With the Freee I only have to move forward and backward a little bit and the chair is already moving. Also very nice is that I can adjust the chair at any time with a button at the seat. When I’m sitting on a terrace with my family I make sure that I can sit back a bit. When I’m on the road with Niek I drive in an active position. And when Niek wants to ride with me on my lap, I can adjust the Freee’s balance to that as well.
“I can just be an independent mother and that gives a great feeling!”
Would you like to ride a Seated Segway like Claudia? Please contact us or fill in the form. We will contact you as soon as possible. See you soon!